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The world of Kugle:​

In the far future, the universe is in a dire state. Long lost civilizations appear to have polluted all habitable planets. But one of these civilizations, the Geneticians, has created an adorable breed of creatures: the Kugles ! They are capable of healing ecosystems, while playing numerous games; they seem to enjoy making the universe a better place !


Kugles: a breed of tiny creatures created by the Geneticians, initially in order to terraform and “heal” ecosystems in the galaxy. They are strange organisms, a mix between animal and plant. They absorb toxic matter and produce heat and carbon. When the Geneticians disappeared, they continued to live and pursued their mission, motivated by the only real driving force of the Kugle universe : fun !

Pocket dimension: Kugles can travel through the universe by creating wormholes. When they feel the need to rest, they can find tiny places in the universe, called pocket dimensions, where they stay to chill, and sometimes nest. Strangely it’s in these places that you can find the relics of the Geneticians’ technology, that they seem to carry with them.

Geneticians: an ancient civilization, of which we know very little. They probably flew from a polluted and derelict planet, and tried to establish themselves elsewhere in the galaxy, with the intention of terraforming other planets. We don’t exactly know what happened to them afterward, but we know that they created the Kugles to try and restore ecological balance. That’s one point for them !

Gu: a synthetic molecule that can transform itself in other DNA-based objects. Gu is apparently used by interdimensional beings like Kuglers as a currency.

Kuglers: interdimensional beings, very difficult to study. They seem to interact a lot with Kugles, and they appear to have taken the role of herders in that regard. It seems that they want to continue the work of the Geneticians. Some pretend that they are in fact (for some of them) the Geneticians themselves; they could have ascended to another plane of existence.

Dracofruit: a variant of the Dragon Fruit or “Pitaya”. It seems that they are in a symbiotic relationship with the Kugles. No one knows what they are doing here, but the Kugles seem to love them !

Dark Kugles: Apparently, they were the first Kugles. When the Geneticians disappeared, they found themselves on their own, and appear to have been corrupted by toxins or dark matter. They are dangerous and not to be approached by any means !